Why You Need a Contact Lens Exam

If you need vision correction, you can choose between glasses and contacts. People like contact lenses due to their convenience and improved visual function. If you want to start wearing contact lenses, prepare to go for a contact lens exam. 

The exam is different from a regular eye exam in that it includes extra eye measurements. The exam allows the optometrist to obtain a comprehensive map of the eye to establish the ideal lens for the patient. It is necessary to find out why you need a contact lens exam. 

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Comprehensive eye exams are vital for maintaining proper eye health. The exams involve tests that help determine the eye's health and visual acuity. Everyone needs to have regular eye exams, whether they require vision correction. 

The exam can help detect any issues that could be problematic in the future. Exams are preventative, helping ensure that the eyes are developing or functioning normally. 

Contact Lens Exams 

The optometrist will carry out several tests to determine your prescription and the current condition of your eyes. The tests include:

  • Cover testing.

  • Eye chart testing.

  • Refraction.

  • Retinoscopy.

  • Autorefraction.

Some tests are specific to the contact lens, and they involve different eye measurements. 

They help determine the size and shape of the eye surface. Testing will establish the best type of contact lens for the patient. You will decide your preference regarding the color and frequency of wearing the lenses.

Measurements for Contact Lens 

During the contact lens exams, the optometrist will measure the patients’ cornea, iris, and pupil. The optometrist will also evaluate the tear film to check if the eyes produce enough tears to ensure comfort. People with dry eye conditions may not find it comfortable to wear contact lenses. A contact lens fit evaluation helps evaluate cornea health. 

Frequency of Contact Lens Exams

It is necessary to discover how often you schedule a contact lens exam. Regular eye exams help ensure that your eye health is not deteriorating. Your age and eye health will determine the frequency of your eye exams. 

After your initial fitting, you will receive trial lenses followed by an evaluation. After you get the contact lenses, the optometrist may recommend another evaluation. If you feel comfortable wearing the lenses, go for contact lens exams annually. 

Choosing Contact Lenses

During your contact lens exam, the optometrist will endorse the type of contacts that will be best for you. The choice will depend on the shape and condition of your eyes. In some cases, you may choose the lenses you prefer if they will be good for your eyes. 

Choose the lens softness, the color, and the frequency of replacement or disposal. If you have keratoconus, astigmatism, or dry eye, you need specialty contact lenses. A contact lens exam is vital. It is never a good idea to order contact lenses from the internet. This may expose your eyes to damage. 

For more on why you need a contact lens exam, visit Battle Born Eye Care at our office in Reno, Nevada. You can call (775) 360-6446 today to schedule an appointment.

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