Why Routine Eye Exams Are Important

Keeping your vision in good condition is just as essential as protecting your health. The eye examination you receive from a licensed ophthalmologist provides numerous benefits and will help you maintain your eye health for a long time. Find out more about the benefits of eye exams to your vision and overall health.


The Importance of Eye Exams


Typically, eye exams are the only way to catch eye conditions early, as there are not often any noticeable symptoms until it gets too late. In many cases, people believe they have normal eyesight. Even with no signs or symptoms, it is essential to maintain good vision and healthy eyes through regular comprehensive eye exams.


Eye exams enable doctors to monitor your vision and eye health over the long term. A thorough eye exam has the following benefits:


Corrective Lens Prescription


Over time, the prescription for a once-perfect diopter might now be harmful. Obtain a precise and current prescription from your physician.



There are times when our eyes don’t work together properly. Frequent crossing of the eyes or turning the eyes may overwork some eye muscles and nerves. Sometimes, the focus of one eye differs from the other. It is common to experience headaches and blurred vision in both instances. It’s best to see a doctor before these problems worsen.


Eye Tone

The interaction of numerous small muscles is responsible for the ability of your eyes to focus. As you age, your muscle tone starts to deteriorate, and you lose your ability to concentrate. It is a sign that you should perform home eye exercises once your eye doctor notices this.


Retinal Exam

Visualizing the retinal blood vessels is an excellent indicator of diabetes and high blood pressure. Eye exams involve more than what meets the eye.


Glaucoma Testing

Even though glaucoma is painless, it can have serious consequences on the eyes. Early on in the disease, there are usually no symptoms. However, doctors can detect and treat glaucoma in its early stages.


Eye Exams Can Reveal Other Conditions


Vision problems aren’t the only problems detected by an eye exam. A trip to your eye doctor can help you find out if you have any other common health problems and can prescribe you the right medical treatment for them. A comprehensive eye examination can reveal:


  • Hypertension


  • Diabetes


  • Hypercholesterolemia


  • Autoimmune disorders, such as Lupus


  • Thyroid disease


  • Skin cancer


  • Tumors


When Should Eyes Be Examined?


For children to perform well in school and be able to read and learn, they need regular eye exams. By the age of three or before starting school, an eye examination is recommended every six months. Your eye doctor may recommend additional exams.


Adults aged 18 to 60 are suggested a comprehensive eye exam every two years. For those aged 61 and older, it is recommended every year.


Eye examinations are not any less important than physical exams. Come see us at Battle Born Eye Care in Reno, Nevada, and schedule your eye test today. For bookings, call (775) 360-6446.

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