Crystal Clear Vision: Your Guide to Post-LASIK Life

Refractive eye surgery can correct vision problems that occur when the eyes fail to refract or bend light correctly. The eye surgery helps people to achieve sharp vision without wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses. LASIK is a technique that takes less than 30 minutes for both eyes. This popular outpatient procedure can help to treat refractive errors such as myopia and hyperopia.



Achieve Crystal Clear Vision


LASIK involves the use of lasers to correct vision. Clear vision can improve quality of life. The healing process is vital for achieving clear crystal vision after refractive surgery. Recovery can take up to six months, but most patients will notice an improvement in their vision without eyeglasses immediately after surgery. Patients with large prescriptions may experience more dramatic results after LASIK.



Immediately After LASIK


There is a slight cornea swelling immediately after LASIK surgery. It usually causes blurry or foggy vision. Some people experience halos around lights, especially at night. The swelling usually settles within 24 hours, but some people may experience the symptoms longer.


Anesthetic eye drops usually wear off 20 to 30 minutes after surgery, which can lead to temporary side effects. Patients may experience mild stinging, dryness, watering, grittiness, redness, and sensitivity to light. The symptoms are normal and should not be a cause for alarm.



LASIK Postoperative Care


It is vital to follow postoperative instructions after LASIK. Eye doctors may prescribe antibiotic and steroid medications to aid in recovery. Using the antibiotic eye drops the first week after surgery can help to prevent infection.


Steroid medications help to control healing and reduce inflammation. Many patients experience eye dryness for a few weeks after surgery due to reduced tear production. Lubrication continues to improve for several months after surgery. Artificial tear drops can help to improve eye comfort.



Achieve Stable Prescription


Eyesight prescriptions usually stabilize after two to three months, but it can take up to six months for complete results. The duration will depend on the type and severity of the refractive error. Patients with hyperopia usually take longer to achieve stable prescriptions. Those with high prescriptions experience a dramatic initial improvement but take longer to heal. The vision continues to improve gradually over several months. Following the doctor’s post-care advice is essential for achieving the desired results.



Schedule Regular Eye Exams


Regular eye exams after LASIK are essential. Postoperative checkups are usually scheduled after one day, one week, a month, six months, and one year. During the appointments, surgeons check for infections, inflammation, flap healing, and visual acuity.


During the first week, doctors check the healing, dry eye, and refraction or prescription. After six months, they assess the refraction to determine if the patient needs enhancement. Approximately 1% of patients may require additional surgery.


Avoid rubbing your eyes for several days after LASIK surgery. You will receive protective eye shields to wear as you sleep. Keep water away from the eyes for at least one week after surgery.


For more on your guide to post-LASIK life, visit Battle Born Eye Care at our office in Reno, Nevada. Call or text (775) 360-6446 to book an appointment today.

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