Choosing Between Prescription Glasses and Contact Lenses

If you are nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatic, or have any other refractive error, you need prescription lenses. You may probably wonder which is best between getting eyeglasses and contact lenses. The answer relies on a few factors that include:

Your Lifestyle

What do you do every day? If you are active or foresee a lot of activity in your day-to-day duties, then contact lenses are the way to go. They will not get in the way of your activities. Whether you are playing sports or exercising, contact lenses are not cumbersome. They also sit on your eye, giving you clear vision without slipping off or steaming up as glasses do.

Your Preference

Most people prefer prescription glasses because they are fashionable. With glasses, you can express your personality and style. They come in different shapes and colors. Therefore, you can get as many pairs as you want. You can also exchange them as often as you want, depending on your outfit or mood.

Prescription contact lenses, on the other hand, can only come in different colors. You can change according to the colors, but that is about it.

Your Budget

Eyeglasses are cheaper eventually than contact lenses. You do not need to replace eyeglasses every year or as often as you may need to replace contact lenses. Change only happens if your prescription changes. You are also able to keep your frames and just change the lenses.


If you have a condition like dry eyes, you should use prescription glasses instead of contact lenses. Prescription glasses will not dry your eyes or worsen the condition as contact lenses do. They will also protect your eyes from the wind, dust, and debris. All of these can also worsen the dry eye condition.

Glasses also reduce your need to keep touching and rubbing your eyes. Contact lenses require placement on the eyeball, which can also contribute to irritation of the eyes. The touching and rubbing of your eyes can cause an eye infection.

On the other hand, some contact lenses like Ortho-k lenses help to correct myopia, and you do not need to wear them during the day. They allow you to see clearly without the help of glasses or contact lenses. They are good for patients suffering from dry eye and are nearsighted.

Clarity of Vision

Contacts offer clear peripheral vision. They allow you to detect subtle movements that may be coming towards you from the sides. It makes them ideal if you are a sportsperson, more so if they need to play a game where opponents can come at them from different sides. 

Peripheral vision is also important when you are driving. It helps you make decisions quickly in case there is a car coming at you from the side. If you drive for a living or as a sport, contact lenses may be a necessity.

The decision on whether to wear prescription glasses or contact lenses is mainly a matter of preference. Analyze what yours are and then make the decision.

For more on choosing between prescription glasses and contact lenses, visit Battle Born Eye Care at our office in Reno, Nevada. You can also call (775) 360-6446 to book an appointment today.

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