Candidates for Myopia Management

If your child has myopia, you know how difficult it can be for them to care for glasses or contacts. Most kids hate wearing glasses, and this can be challenging when it comes to vision correction. Progressing myopia is more than an inconvenience; it can put children at risk of developing certain eye diseases. 

Children who suffer from a progressive form of myopia are more likely to develop vision-threatening conditions later in life. These are conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and retinal detachment.


Myopia Management Programs

There is no cure to reverse the effects of nearsightedness, but the condition can be prevented from worsening. Myopia management can slow the progression of myopia in kids. Using a customized program, doctors can now halt the progression of the condition. 

Several treatments have different benefits, and parents can choose the most suitable option for their kids. You can choose the best management method depending on your child’s age and level of maturity.


Myopia Management Techniques

Several techniques are used for myopia management. Orthokeratology or ortho-k is a treatment plan where special contact lenses are used during sleep. The lens retainer helps re-shape the cornea or eye surface gently. This eliminates the need to wear glasses or contacts during the day. 

Atropine eye drops can be used for myopia management. The drops are applied to dilate the patient’s eyes. Multifocal soft contact lenses are also used to slow down myopia progression. The special lenses are quite effective and they work much like ortho-k. 


Candidates for Myopia Management

Are you trying to determine if your child is a good candidate for myopia management? Children with different degrees of myopia can benefit from the treatment. Myopia management can preserve the healthy, natural shape of the eyes. 

It is best to begin management during early childhood, but older kids and teens can also enjoy positive outcomes. Some factors that make a suitable candidate include the ability to take care of contact lenses. The child should be at least six or seven years old, with a certain level of responsibility and maturity.


Benefits of Myopia Management 

In most cases, childhood myopia stabilizes when an individual reaches around 21 years. Myopia management is ideal for those under this age, mainly pre-teens or teens. Kids who feel insecure about wearing glasses or contacts can benefit from myopia management. 

The management is a good option for children who are involved in sports or other activities where glasses can be inconvenient. Teens with moderate or mild myopia can get myopia management as they wait to get corrective surgery later in life. 


Controlling Your Child’s Myopia

The earlier your child receives myopia management treatment, the easier it will be to control the condition. This means that you do not have to wait until the condition gets worse before turning to myopia management. 

As a parent, you can play an important role in preserving your child’s sight. You can ensure that your child receives the long-term benefits of myopia management.

To know more about myopia, visit Battle Born Eye Care at our office in Reno, Nevada. You can also call (775) 360-6446 to schedule an appointment today.

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